Melvin Clarida
Essay 1
In this particular movie we have several characters named and used after Greek and Hebrew gods, we often don’t pay too much attention to these comparisons at all because it has become a main attraction to do such things. Today I will be discussing the movie “The Matrix”, and how the names of the characters are tied into Greek and Hebrew mythology.
In Christian theology, Jesus Christ is the Messiah (Son of God, Son of Man, "Light of The World") who saves mankind from its sins. In the Bible, Jesus dies on the cross, but later is resurrected and ascends up to heaven. Christ translates from Hebrew into "Anointed One." (As stated on the website). For example, in the movie Neo (the Messiah) gets killed and then comes back to life. Why is this an important part of the movie? To me its important to show that because he is referred to as being “The One”. After he solves the very problem that his people have awaited so long for he flies off into the sky as not a human being but a Messiah like, above all to the heavens. All throughout the movie, you see little signs relating back to Hebrew mythology, In the Subway scene; we see a faded billboard advertisement for Sol beer.”(As stated in the website) Sol refers to the roman god of the sun. Once again we can also refer that to being a messiah, because in the bible Jesus says “I am the light of the world”. Now where can we tie this in? Well there is also a scene in the movie where Neo jumps into the agents body and right before the agent explodes you see a large bright light and out comes Neo… another example is in the beginning of the movie Morpheus is sitting down explaining to Neo,"When the matrix was first built, there was a man who was born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted, to remake the matrix as he saw fit.... After he died, the oracle prophesized his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the matrix and the war, bring freedom to our people....I did what I did because I believe that search is over [because he thinks Neo is that man--the One he has been searching for.]"(Stated in the website) this shows myself that he was also looked at as a messiah, who will bring back there freedom and peace too their city “Zion” for once and all. “Zion” being considered the last city left in a machine dominated world, underground closer to the earth’s core for warmth because the machines turned the world to a cold war and destructive place. Everyone knows that Zion is yet a city in Jerusalem, where the birth place of who yes you guessed it right” Jesus Christ”. Morpheus also was the captain of the ship called “the Nebuchadnezzar”, which happens too be the most superior boat left. In Daniel 4, (the bible) it states that Nebuchadnezzar was the king that acknowledges God. He is king of all peoples, nations, and men of every language who lived on the earth.
Who has the catchiest name of them all too remember in this movie? Well to me it is Morpheus. Remember don’t forget I told you I would show how the matrix is also tied into Greek mythology. Here we go, “King Morpheus is the principal god of dreams of Greek mythology”(states wikipedia dictionary) where is it that neo believed he is first contacted at the beginning of the movie, in his dream. Another prime example is, who is it that offers neo the blue pill and red pill, which one will awake him from the dream or he will stay asleep, yes Morpheus. He (Morpheus) was considered more than just a leader, he was a father, but yet he was the same one who presented them with the same opportunity as he did neo in his dream. Isn’t that the job of the Greek god Morpheus? Yes I believe so.
Now that I’ve shown you my views on The Matrix. Does your view of the movie become similar to mine? Given valid points on the similarities between Greek and Hebrew mythology, I’m convinced they’ve based their movie on Greek and Hebrew mythology. These are my views of symbolism in “The Matrix”.
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