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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Melvin clarida

The archives essay was a good source of information and knowledge for me to learn some new things about stuff in the past. Plus it also informed me about things I had no knowledge of. Ive found that the major research paper was just a little bit more difficult than the archives project, only because in the archives project the infop and research was right there in front of you. There wasn’t much stuff you can research, it was a pretty direct and formal paper. The research paper was more sitting down and watch a movie and summarize it, than research all the political things going in society. Ive had a lot of fun doing these papers, because the were all informing too me. Things in which I didn’t know about or just had no clue about it. I simply applaud Roger Starr for his “planned shrinkage” efforts. New York City in the 70’s were slowly becoming the slums and he helped increase the value so that other investors for different development companies wanted too build and relocate in our beautiful city. In all I consider them both too be great topics and not boring papers too write.

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