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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

blog 15

blog 15
melvin clarida

I think if society cared about security above all, than I our country wouldn’t be the land of the free anymore. It will violate our rights as being americans living in our own country. There is nothing good about that situation at all. The one thing people are missing about this whole concept of the movie, is that every criminal has the right to do what ever they would like to do. You cant tell someone there getting arrested before they even do it. Well hey I cant speak for all. But I know for sure nobody is going to arrest me unless they catch me doing something wrong with there own eyes.
Why would you want too live in such a locked down based area when we pride ourselves to be free do as we want as long as were not harming another human being from doing what they have to do. Its an unfair way too live.


Melvin clarida

The archives essay was a good source of information and knowledge for me to learn some new things about stuff in the past. Plus it also informed me about things I had no knowledge of. Ive found that the major research paper was just a little bit more difficult than the archives project, only because in the archives project the infop and research was right there in front of you. There wasn’t much stuff you can research, it was a pretty direct and formal paper. The research paper was more sitting down and watch a movie and summarize it, than research all the political things going in society. Ive had a lot of fun doing these papers, because the were all informing too me. Things in which I didn’t know about or just had no clue about it. I simply applaud Roger Starr for his “planned shrinkage” efforts. New York City in the 70’s were slowly becoming the slums and he helped increase the value so that other investors for different development companies wanted too build and relocate in our beautiful city. In all I consider them both too be great topics and not boring papers too write.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

major research paper

Melvin Clarida
Major research Project
May 23, 2011


Here’s a film directed by Spike Lee, in Brooklyn New York in 1998. During a time of drugs poverty and low income houses were at a all-time high. During this paper I will be discussing a few ideas, facts, and opinions. During the time of this film in the late 90’s, Brooklyn was a terroritory where everybody wanted out the hood. This film shows the average lives of most prolific athlete Brooklyn had too offer at the time. Now that I have touched on a few subjects allow me too get in depth in my paper.

This is a film that was filmed in NYC, about a young man who is from Brooklyn and he is a ball player. He starts out being raised by his hard nosed father and sweet mother. Cause with every bad person there is a nice person too levels them out, and in this case the father was the hard-nosed and hardworking father who loved his kids the tough way. Then there is sweet caring mother who only wants too see her children smile and true happiness. The young man in this movie who plays the basketball star position is “Jesus” (Ray Allen), and is being taught how too ball play in the beginning as a young boy. His father Jake Shuttles worth (Denzel Washington) was showing him that we as men should never give up, we have a duty too keep going as hard as we could possibly fight too achieve that special greatness. Living in the projects with a name like “Jesus” is going too cause a lot of attention whether its good attention or negative attention your going to get some sort of attention. The people of his community teased and clowned him for his name being what it is. Boy did it make him upset. Well, one night during his workouts, him and his father have a argument in the park and “Jesus” walks out the park. Like all my other ball players out there, we all know we have walked out of a few workouts, practices, and in some cases a few team meetings. This is something that just happens; you just got to pray that when it happens it’s not in front of the wrong the crowd. I’m stating this statement not on something I’ve read in a book or magazine or heard from a friend. No, I’m basing this on actual experience that you have too been able too endure a lot of criticism. At the age “Jesus” was in the beginning (12yrs old) it must have been hard trying too take in all that criticism from his own father. Well you know that saying “never take work home with you”. Well this is where stuff can get dangerous in a heartbeat.

Sitting down a kitchen table full of food, Jesus sits down with emotions raging from his face. In comes his father half drunk and also upset for the way his son storms out the park. While his sweet and caring mother only wanted too see her son smile she tells him too stay at the dinner table and eat dinner with his family. In come Mr. Shuttles worth, and he staring at his son across the dinner table from him. The argument that starts off between them two is one too remember. They screamed and yell until Mr. Shuttle worth gets up and shows that he is the man of the house storms across the room towards his son, and this is where his wife (Jesus Mother) jumps in front of her husband and tries too stop him from hitting Jesus, instead he throws his wife out the way and she bangs her head on the corner of the counter ad dies right in front of them both. Can you imagine the pain you have too go through after seeing your mother killed right in front of your eyes by the man who is supposed too protect love and honor. It devastated this young man. His father goes to jail for murder, his mother is dead in cold blood. Now left in New York City all by himself with just him and his baby sister, he has too found a way for his family.

The tools his father showed him during his younger years for playing ball took him along way. By the time he reached high school he was the top prospect in America. To show character that is strong enough not to crumble in pressure situations lets you also know this movie was based on an inner city child from Brooklyn NY. As a New Yorker we all have backbones for the simple reason everyone wants too be too be better than the next person it’s our competitive spirit in us I guess. I know there is no way I’m allowing my family to go down without a fight, I mean a good fight. Instead of letting that whole situation break him down too pieces he used it as motivation and worked harder than ever. But with success and glory comes your negative influences, not everyone has there best interest for you. Some people are looking for how they can get the next dollar off you. being a superstar athlete on TV every other minute on sports center, you have too know your going too attract some the big money getters in the neighborhood (drug dealers and all other illegal actions taken too get money) and that could be a reason too your down fall. But it wasn’t a problem in this flick. His biggest decision was needed too be made and this is where all “it” all begins.

Now his father is facing life, and is not getting a parole hearing anytime soon. The warden of the jail is good buddies with the cities mayor. The city’s mayor is a big fan of basketball, especially college basketball. They find out that the father of the biggest high school basketball player is in his good friends jail and they want too his son too go to a certain school, and they will release him from prison for getting his son too sign there. He agrees too the subtle terms of there agreement and they grant him three days too get the letter of intent signed by the young man. Mind you he hasn’t seen or heard from his kids in over ten yrs. Right now it’s like coming home too a family who you hope will accept and love you like they once did. Jake Shuttles worth didn’t receive that type of attention. So not only is the whole world trying too put fingerprints in this young mans career. Along with being such a high profiled player there is a lot of money involved in these special player lives. He was able to get his own apartment in high school for him and his little sister. Its kind of hard too explain where the money comes from when you don’t have a job but have a few gold chains and a house too call your own. But living in New York City in reality that’s a way of life. The better you are at the craft you take up, the more rewards you seem too receive.

Now many believe this story was based on a true story for Stephon Marbury. Being from Coney Island and going to Lincoln high school, than being the best player in the nation just like the surrounding of steph in his school career. Right along the time this movie came out stephon has jus entered the NBA. Now even though it was never said in his actual words, we all know the truth it just a resemblance of his high school career.

Jesus has this girlfriend named”LaLa” and from the beginning of the movie you can tell she is money hungry, and she is only trying to make sure she is financially good in her future. LaLa starts too throw his number into sports agent’s hands to try to get him to go pro straight from high school so she could share his money with him now rather than wait till college is over. So she also has an affair with one of the sports agents partners just because she wants more the power of greed will get you every time if you don’t know what you want other than money. When being a sports figure of the type “Jesus” was you have too be careful who you have in your personal circle cause that’s what hurts the most when a person you love breaks your heart! During the time of this movie coming out, was a great time for high school and basketball period in New York City. We had some of the most exciting basketball happen right here in NYC. From the wide varieties of all American games we have hosted too the amount of superstars we produced in the early and late 90’s. New Yorkers are known for there toughness and willingness too get through whatever there going through. Where ever you would in AMERICA while you was playing ball in high school, you were well respected just because of the place you were from. We had a rep to protect and this movie was beneficial too us in so many ways. It showed us how if you keep working hard no matter the conditions will get you a lot more places than just giving up and letting everyone see you as a quitter.

Well back too the movie now, just wanted too put that little piece of information inhere. So here comes this man approaching his little daughter (Jake) and he calls her by her childhood name that only she and him knew each other by. She is filed with joy to see her father once again after she thought she would never see him again. They get too walking and talking about a lot of stuff, and he gets too his sons apartment just before
“Jesus” gets home. Living in the Coney Island projects in Brooklyn you are careful who you let in your house at all times, and strangers and people who weren’t regulars at his crib were not allowed. So he walks in on his sister and his father and the look on his face was in such disgust and shame that it bent the movie into a whole another way now. Cause you are showing how easy it is too make a young man not want to be apart of something because of the people who it is coming from. He rushes his father out the crib so he can think properly and tells his girlfriend all about it. But little does he know she is trying too sell him too agents so she can catch a nice commission off of it. Its all a shame but that’s a nyc chick for you, and you cant le that stop you at all cause whether in reality or in a script woman can b a mans biggest down fall if you allow it. This is another example of real life situations that happen in your regular day in New York City. Now that “Jake” has been out a day or so, he is starting too gets his feel back too being outside. “Jesus” has too make one of his toughest decisions of his life, which is another example of a reality check, cause in reality picking what’s school you will go too play for the next four years is always the biggest decision in your life, cause the wrong school or situation can be the cause of you not getting paid a million dollars at the end of your four years. There wrong system will damage your career forever. That’s a similarity in the movie too real life. You can’t let anyone become too much of an influence of where you go cause that can always turn into a bad situation quick. Now we can just imagine the weight on your shoulders you are carrying because your entire family is hoping you make the right decision rather than go where everyone wants you too go.

Now with a day left on his time out from jail he goes by too see what’s up his son’s girlfriend and he right then and there sees she’s not the one for his son, that she is all for self in the situation and that he shouldn’t keep her around. But they did show a very important part of a basketballs player high school career, which is that his school visit went so well. Usually a player knows pretty much where he is going before he takes his visits too different universities. Most places take visits too places they never been before like Hawaii or some hot place like that. One thing about a black man and his son I like that was illustrated in this movie is that they showed that most men who name there sons have a good meaning or reason behind giving that name. in the movie “Jake” explain to “Jesus” why and how he came bout his name. He was the biggest fan of Earl “black Jesus” Monroe. That’s where his name came from.

Now here comes the final day, that he is given too get his son to sign a letter of commitment. And they play this one on one for the chance and opportunity for his father too leave his life for good if he should win then his son will have too sign the letter of intent too the school the mayor wants him too go. “Jesus” wins the game send his father back too jail but learns a very important lesson, that no matter how much people care for you the there’s who help you the most and wants too be there is your family this is also a life lesson for anyone coming up in nyc as a high school basketball player, make sure you keep yours family in close knit too what you got going on because they will be your support system.

In conclusion too this paper I just wrote, I believe this movie has more realistic things going on than most realize. It has corruption b the law; they are trying too basically strong-arming this high school student for the enjoyment of the mayor. It has family problems that we see everyday in anyone’s house hold. I don’t see too much far fetched stuff in this movie. This is what my paper was on “HE GOT GAME” produced by SPIKE LEE one of the best film directors ever.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Melvin clarida
Special activity momi

During our time ion the museum I saw some very interesting things. From the first camera being built, it doesn’t even resemble today’s cameras. As you can see we are turning into a technological world, everything is being controlled by technology. We also were shown how too dub a movie and where it takes place to record over the movie at hand. I personally thought that was best part of the museum. We also seen some of the mask and make up different actors wore in hit movie like “The Mask” and “Ms. Doubtfire”, you can how much alike it looks too the movie scenes


Melvin clarida
Blog 10

My time during this course so far has been a very interesting experience, I enjoy coming there and listen too a class who is into the work at hand. I also have learned a lot about movies and others forms of entertainment, writing our papers on just the little things we do in class has also played a big part. Writing in our blog on daily bases gives me that sense that someone is out there reading my work. I’ve always enjoyed writing but this is actually been the first time I’ve been able too write as much. The blogs are helping me with my writing techniques. Sometimes they can be a little boring writing. But we al have too have too have our work done. These blogs we have been doing are very beneficial to me. It’s helping me with my mechanics, I also enjoy sitting down reading other peoples point of views, everyone seems too give there own opinion on things, its always nice too see someone who has the same thought process as you.
Ive been learning a lot like how movies are broken down from a mythology stand point. That is something I didn’t have a clue was going on. Also reading reading Oedipus the king, which was my first time reading, was also a good material. It shows once again mythology and shows you that you can’t escape fait. It’s something that’s going to happen regardless. My weakness so far that ive pointed out is not checking for grammar and making sure I don’t have run on sentences. I tend too have a lot of those run on sentences in my papers. My strengths are that I write like I speak, I like my audience too sit back and not have too wonder what this mean, or that means. No, I want them too be relaxed and read along as I freely express myself.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Melvin clarida

In a situation where I call something “the other”. I would most likely talk about homosexuality. This is something I a m totally not,everything bout that concept I just don’t approve of. No I don’t have a personal problem with a man being gay. But in a general look I wouldn’t be apart of it at all. I had a childhood friend, who while we was growing up he like a animal wanted too fight all the time, wa willing too do any thing too prove himself. So somewhere ten years later at location from my child I went back too visit him, he was a femanine as they come. I just couldn’t accept it at first. Til this day I still get upset things happen the way they do. I only don’t accept it because I think its nasty fpr too men too be together. But me and him speak when ever I see him in the streets. But we don’t reach out to eachother like we used too because we don’t have any common grounds. Interacting with a gay man isnt as bad as people make it out too be. Once its understood that’s not your style life than a conversation can be built. I don’t think I can ever have a gay man as a close personal friend, but too chill and have a convo with them for a while has never been a problem for myself.

Sunday, April 24, 2011




20 APRIL 2011


In today’s society, from the research and life experiences I have been through causes me too believe that most shows on TV turns into violence in the society. We all have been guilty of watching a movie or show or even a cartoon that promotes violence left and right. When does a child witness his first violent TV show?

In a recent search done by, (A.C Nelson Co.) “The average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day (or 28 hours/week, or 2 months of nonstop TV-watching per year). In a 65-year life, that person will have spent 9 years glued to the tube.” At this rate, by the time a child has hit the age of 6 he or she has already watched at least 14months of non stop TV. Out of those 14 months watching TV how much of this time is this child watching a violent TV show. These are the little things in society we have too watch out for if we want too get our mindset out of the way we have now. TV is designed too show you what is most highly liked or viewed, no matter what the cost of another Childs life here, if it sells than they play it. Once a child has basically hit the age of five, he or she has seen at least 2,00 murders or violent acts already. How do we question our selves when something is done violent in the streets? in today’s society the cartoons that are allowed too be aired are like cartoon for adults not kids. There isn’t any good concepts too these cartoons. It’s nothing but killing and crazy expressions about sexual behavior. Like most kids and adults they do as they see. It’s such a high rate of imitation.

Which brings me too my next point,” Imitation”. Where do most people look for the next big action movie, or drug dealing movie where that attracts the street hustlers, and all they see is what they believe in already. So why wouldn’t you think in there mind that they can do it in today’s society. Then you have these cartoon movie where there killing everyone, and brains and all sorts of elicit language and material shown. With crimes at a all time high with children, researchers have come too at least one answer that television is one issue. Today’s society look at this stuff on TV and want too live that life at all expenses, I’ve seen it lose lives and end up in jail.” reveals that public schools experiencing violent incidents increased from 71 to 81 percent over a five-year period (1999-2004). (The Constitutional rights foundation) they are sitting at home for at least 4hours a day as we said earlier in the paper.

In today’s society crimes are at a all-time high in the adolescents and kids areas. Too many prevails most researchers are coming too the same conclusion that TV plays a big role in today’s society. These kids are running out committing some of the same crimes they are watching on TV. Television can show a child his belief and thought process, and if put in his mind that criminal life is the way too be than that what’s usually happening. "have found that children may become ‘immune’ to the horror of violence; gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems; imitate the violence they observe on television; and identify with certain characters, victims and/or victimizers" (http://www.ucla.edu/curree…ne/violence/iiid.htm). When you have people, children in general watching these realistic shows and cartoons showing this violence over and over you start too gain feeling towards it. It’s not a good thing, but this is what is being played on television, so people are getting played at the cost of promoting violence.

Violence is able too be promoted if it’s a profit on the back end of the deal, but what television isn’t showing is the lives it’s destroying. I can’t even say destroy because at the end of the day it’s unto to you to do such things, but television plays a big influence. Its basically saying too the public that it’s okay to do these things. Millions of people sit at home a night and watch TV. Kids especially are watching these cartoons with a lot of profanity and sexual content. Children who watch violent shows and movies often show signs of violent behavior, what do you expect when it’s on every channel you turn too nowadays?

In recent studies of the subject, 43% of the violent shows or cartoon, does the person playing victim go unharm. Meanwhile 73% of these very same televised programs the one who is doing all the criminal acts go on basically free at free will. Showing our youth that its ok too be a bad guy or violent. Is watching these violent programs, educational? I think so, its educating you too go out and do things that are against the law. Even in most programs the bad guy goes free until the end of the movie. How can you explain too someone who is in love what they are seeing not too watch it. I mean I watched a bunch of movies growing up. People start too idolizes these characters from the movie, you know! They become heroes too these kids and everything about the character becomes a fascination too them and all they see and want to do is become this character and live and do the things just like his or her hero.

Truth is that, kids start too deal with adult issue at a very young age. They are exposed too so much at young age, that when they see these foolish shows on TV they are already accustomed too the behavior already. The graphics on television are really vivid. Can this be a bad thing? Yes I believe so, because while I was growing up we had innocent cartoons, yea they were a little violent but nothing like today’s cartoons. Like some believe that today is more aggressive, so in natural behavior crimes are high, but televised programs are getting worse. Maybe it could be the fact that most Japanese are in the United States doing these cartoons. But because of the way our society today reacts on things its not going too be a good turnout for much longer.

Earlier I was reading some material from an unknown author,”todays television is here too shape our cultures development. By bombarding the unknowing viewers with political, social and economic messages that are in the program. Television shows a small, distorted view of reality, which can damage people’s views of the real world and change how people think and behave.” now this is what a researcher at ucla has too say on the matter. Where does a person draw the line between realistic stuff? We are all guilty of sitting down watching some sort of movie where we finish watching the movie and we were where ever and was imitating right than and there something you found interesting from the movie. But these cartoons that are so vivid nowadays are very risky too play. To target such a young age can be critical.

Why can targeting a young age with these vivid cartoons can be dangerous? Well for certain, at that age you know its easier too make them believe that is the right thing to do be doing. They believe everything they see, it’s so easy too shape there life cause most of the time these kids are sitting around watching TV all day. They are picking up more and more each time they turn the TV on. If someone told you that TV is kind of messing up the proper growth of a child, would you believe it? Yes, it’s a given fact. Before the TV era got real big, the way to learn was from family and had family morals, not nowadays we a technology era. Socialization wasn’t even a question too be with your friends all day long outside or family too have fun. Nope TV keeps these kids occupied, and the government knows this but because this is keeping money in there hands its going to only get worse. some feel that sponge bob square pants is one of the most violent cartoons on the air nowadays, and it also lacks the importantance of educational tips in it, but yet it is the most viewed cartoon on TV. What do you think these kids are saying all these violent behavior and there favorite character is doing all these violent things without no consequence? They feel like its ok to do because they just seen it on TV so it makes it ok too do. It shouldn’t be that way. It should be more educational values.

Little do they know they are creating little monster towards each other, I say this because it’s a fine line between right and wrong. And if it’s wrong that all they see, they go out into the world and do these things. They even turn them against there own friends because they se these shows on TV and goes out and try them with more aggression towards each other and it leads too other serious problem. While watching TV and sitcoms you see some of the wealthiest folks and some of the highest price clothing. This turns most into materialistic things.

You wonder how I may relate this too television causing violence, well coming from low income households, you will constantly see these kids wearing what they see on TV. In some cases I know people who live that nature by any means necessary. So they will rob and steal and scam the system too receive that next best piece of clothing out. The media (TV) is the root of most crimes. In today’s society you are not viewed as a nice looking person unless you are dressed like the stars you see on TV everyday. Why is that, oh that’s simple it’s because what they see on TV is right, anything else is considered wrong. That’s what TV has done too TV nowadays, take a look at an older generation it wasn’t like that. TV made it cool too be in the most expensive cloths

What are the most violent shows on TV? Well its cartoons. Going as far back as roadrunner and cartoons like bugs bunny cartoon etc. They wonder why the youth is some of the highest crimes rates in society. “Kids today are bombarded with sexual messages and images in all media—television, magazines, advertisements, music, movies and the Internet. Parents are often concerned about whether these messages are healthy” (unknown author page 1) how could we ever debate the fact that TV has a big impact on today’s society. Its noticeable in every neighborhood and all environments, it causes all types of problems.

When is it the best time for you too feel comfortable letting your child watch TV, it’s a shame when we fear our children being entertained by stuff that shouldn’t be allowed too be seen on national television. We should be able too let our kids turn on the TV without worrying bout he or she seeing a chucky like cartoon where the whole cartoon is about killing and all types of foolery. It isn’t a good feeling that you are losing your child too the violence on TV too a young age.

TV has basically revolutionized the world with violent behavior. But why is this? Why do we only enjoy ourselves watching someone else causing harm too innocent people? Is it because while we were growing up we got accustomed too seeing violent cartoons growing up and things of such. So all we know is seeing action in the movie makes it best not educational. Very few television stations are teaching morals and values at the same time, and I don’t see anytime soon it changing.

In 2003 alone, “in this year alone we have researched the fact that TV maybe the cause of some crimes, but yet they are still substantial and mostly minor too other causes of crime. Like medical issues and violence risks factors.”(Dr. Craig Anderson) so let me get this straight because its substantial too bigger issue, it shouldn’t be addressed. This is why there is no effort for change. It’s a shame that we know the solution too our problem but yet there is no big drastic changes made yet. I know I am guilty of it, that I can’t stand too sit down and watch a boring movie with no action in it.

Remember in the intro I told you guys I would put some personal experiences in it, well here it is. Growing up where we from, if your not on your game you will get passed by. Meaning if you can’t keep up with the latest fashions or concepts you will like in school get left behind. Television played such a main role in some people’s lives. Growing up I grew up in the era of movies like menace to society and I was watching this at a young age. So all my life I’ve watched nothing but hustlers and street guys. It started out as a imagination and everyday watching more and more TV helped me realized that’s what I wanted to do. I almost messed up my whole life because I wanted too be just like those were talked about on TV, and even though everything on TV wasn’t violent, there were also good things I picked up. But this is what I desired. All in the name of wanting too keep up in the best life had too offer. TV made this want into a need had too had it at any cost, because I see my favorite artist or actor in something I thought was nice. They need too promote more healthy living habits instead of violence all of the time.

In conclusion, this is my personal opinion on the subject. I believe that television has violence in it in every aspect. It’s not getting better because kids are becoming more aggressive year after year. We need too start teach our youth better and not let them sit in front of the TV all day long. It isn’t healthy for our younger youth too sit down and watch to much TV at a time.


Dr. Craig Anderson “the influence of media violence on youth” online [online available]

Slotsve, del Carmen, Sarver, and Watkins—Television Violence and Aggression (2008)


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

blog 8

Melvin clarida
Blog 8

In the texts we have just read today and the movie “The Matrix”. They have very few differences and similarities.
Lets look first on how they both are similar too eachother. In the play we just read they have similar characters who have similar roles in eaach the movie and the play. For instance, teiresias is like the oracle in the matrix, she has the ability too know whats next too happen and able too tell you where and when he or she will meet his down fall.they both are written after the greek mythology, and the all result or answer too a higher calling. Too be bliss in what sme called happiness, means too be happy in a world and have no knowledge of what really is going on around you. In the movie the matrix, Neo is living what he thinks is a ordinary life, but in all actuality he is being located too save the wprld, from a computer havker too the savior of the world is a sure way too be living in bliss. It must be hard being able too take on that responsibilty.but in the play they have a very similar plot but in a different atmosphere. In the play we have jjust read, Oedipus is the son of the king and he is put too be killed in the beginning of the m,ovie but faith which you cannot escape (once again we can say these are similarities because the oracle in the matrix tells neo faith is something you cant escape) the messenger sends him too another town and he is raised by the next towns king and queen. When he grows up he goes too see the oracle and she tells him everything he needs too know, but what he is told can he escape this awful thing he told nope. Its his destiny.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

essay 1

Melvin Clarida
Essay 1

In this particular movie we have several characters named and used after Greek and Hebrew gods, we often don’t pay too much attention to these comparisons at all because it has become a main attraction to do such things. Today I will be discussing the movie “The Matrix”, and how the names of the characters are tied into Greek and Hebrew mythology.

In Christian theology, Jesus Christ is the Messiah (Son of God, Son of Man, "Light of The World") who saves mankind from its sins. In the Bible, Jesus dies on the cross, but later is resurrected and ascends up to heaven. Christ translates from Hebrew into "Anointed One." (As stated on the website). For example, in the movie Neo (the Messiah) gets killed and then comes back to life. Why is this an important part of the movie? To me its important to show that because he is referred to as being “The One”. After he solves the very problem that his people have awaited so long for he flies off into the sky as not a human being but a Messiah like, above all to the heavens. All throughout the movie, you see little signs relating back to Hebrew mythology, In the Subway scene; we see a faded billboard advertisement for Sol beer.”(As stated in the website) Sol refers to the roman god of the sun. Once again we can also refer that to being a messiah, because in the bible Jesus says “I am the light of the world”. Now where can we tie this in? Well there is also a scene in the movie where Neo jumps into the agents body and right before the agent explodes you see a large bright light and out comes Neo… another example is in the beginning of the movie Morpheus is sitting down explaining to Neo,"When the matrix was first built, there was a man who was born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted, to remake the matrix as he saw fit.... After he died, the oracle prophesized his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the matrix and the war, bring freedom to our people....I did what I did because I believe that search is over [because he thinks Neo is that man--the One he has been searching for.]"(Stated in the website) this shows myself that he was also looked at as a messiah, who will bring back there freedom and peace too their city “Zion” for once and all. “Zion” being considered the last city left in a machine dominated world, underground closer to the earth’s core for warmth because the machines turned the world to a cold war and destructive place. Everyone knows that Zion is yet a city in Jerusalem, where the birth place of who yes you guessed it right” Jesus Christ”. Morpheus also was the captain of the ship called “the Nebuchadnezzar”, which happens too be the most superior boat left. In Daniel 4, (the bible) it states that Nebuchadnezzar was the king that acknowledges God. He is king of all peoples, nations, and men of every language who lived on the earth.

Who has the catchiest name of them all too remember in this movie? Well to me it is Morpheus. Remember don’t forget I told you I would show how the matrix is also tied into Greek mythology. Here we go, “King Morpheus is the principal god of dreams of Greek mythology”(states wikipedia dictionary) where is it that neo believed he is first contacted at the beginning of the movie, in his dream. Another prime example is, who is it that offers neo the blue pill and red pill, which one will awake him from the dream or he will stay asleep, yes Morpheus. He (Morpheus) was considered more than just a leader, he was a father, but yet he was the same one who presented them with the same opportunity as he did neo in his dream. Isn’t that the job of the Greek god Morpheus? Yes I believe so.

Now that I’ve shown you my views on The Matrix. Does your view of the movie become similar to mine? Given valid points on the similarities between Greek and Hebrew mythology, I’m convinced they’ve based their movie on Greek and Hebrew mythology. These are my views of symbolism in “The Matrix”.

essay 1

Melvin Clarida
Essay 1

In this particular movie we have several characters named and used after Greek and Hebrew gods, we often don’t pay to much attention to these comparisons at all because it has become a main attraction to do such things. Today I will be discussing about the movie “The matrix”, and how the names of the characters are tied into Greek and Hebrew mythology.

In Christian theology, Jesus Christ is the Messiah (Son of God, Son of Man, "Light of The World") who saves mankind from its sins. In the Bible, Jesus dies on the cross, but later is resurrected and ascends up to heaven. Christ translates from Hebrew into "Anointed One." (As stated on the website). For example, in the movie neo (the messiah) gets killed and then comes back too life. Why is this a important part of the movie? Too me its important too show that because he is referred too being “the one”. After he solves the very problem that his people have awaited so long for he flies off into the sky as not a human being but a messiah like, above all too the heavens. All throughout the movie, you see little signs relating back too Hebrew mythology, “n the Subway scene, we see a faded billboard advertisement for Sol beer.”(As stated in the website) Sol refers too the roman god of the sun. once again we can also refer that too being a messiah, because in the bible Jesus says “I am the light of the world”. Now where can we tie this in at, well there is also a scene in the movie where neo jumps into the agents body and right before the agent explodes you see a large bright light and out comes neo… another example is in the beginning of the movie Morpheus is sitting down explaining too neo,"When the matrix was first built, there was a man who was born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted, to remake the matrix as he saw fit.... After he died, the oracle prophesized his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the matrix and the war, bring freedom to our people....I did what I did because I believe that search is over [because he thinks Neo is that man--the One he has been searching for.]"(Stated in the website) this shows myself that he was also looked at as a messiah, who will bring back there freedom and peace too their city “Zion” for once and all. “Zion” being considered the last city left in a machine dominated world, underground closer to the earth’s core for warmth because the machines turned the world to a cold war and destructive place. Everyone knows that Zion is yet a city in Jerusalem, where the birth place of who yes you guessed it right” Jesus Christ”. Morpheus also was the captain of the ship called “the Nebuchadnezzar”, which happens too be the most superior boat left. In Daniel 4, (the bible) it states that Nebuchadnezzar was the king that acknowledges God. He is king of all peoples, nations, and men of every language who lived on the earth.

Who has the catchiest name of them all too remember in this movie? Well to me it Morpheus. Remember don’t forget I told you I would show how the matrix is also tied into Greek mythology. Here we go, “King Morpheus is the principal god of dreams of Greek mythology”(states wikipedia dictionary) where is it that neo believed he is first contacted at the beginning of the movie, in his dream. Another prime example is, who is it that offers neo the blue pill and red pill, which one will awake him from the dream or he will stay asleep, yes Morpheus. He (Morpheus) was considered more than just a leader, he was a father, but yet he was the same one who presented them with the same opportunity as he did neo in his dream. Isn’t that the job of the Greek god Morpheus? Yes I believe so.

Now that I’ve showed you my views on The Matrix. Does your view of the movie become similar too mine? Given valid points on the similarities between Greek and Hebrew mythology, I’m convinced they’ve based their movie on Greek and Hebrew mythology. These are my views of symbolism in “The Matrix”.

essay 1

Melvin Clarida

In this particular movie we have several characters named and used after Greek gods, we often don’t pay to much attention to these comparisons at all because it has become a main attraction to do such things. Today I will be discussing about the movie “The matrix”, and how the names of the characters are tied into Greek mythology.

In Christian theology, Jesus Christ is the Messiah (Son of God, Son of Man, "Light of The World") who saves mankind from its sins. In the Bible, Jesus dies on the cross, but later is resurrected and ascends up to heaven. Christ translates from Hebrew into "Anointed One." (as stated on the website). For example, in the movie neo(the messiah) gets killed and then comes back too life. Why is this a important part of the movie? Too me its important too show that because he is referred too being “the one”. After he solves the very problem that his people have awaited so long for he flies off into the sky as not a human being but a messiah like, above all too the heavens. All throughout the movie, you see little signs relating back too Greek mythology, “n the Subway scene, we see a faded billboard advertisement for Sol beer.”( as stated in the website) Sol refers too the roman god of the sun. once again we can also refer that too being a messiah, because in the bible Jesus says “I am the light of the world”. No where can we tie this in at, well there is also a scene in the movie where neo jumps into the agents body and right before the agent explodes you see a large bright light and out comes neo… another example is in the beginning of the movie Morpheus is sitting down explaining too neo”,"When the matrix was first built, there was a man who was born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted, to remake the matrix as he saw fit.... After he died, the oracle prophesized his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the matrix and the war, bring freedom to our people....I did what I did because I believe that search is over [because he thinks Neo is that man--the One he has been searching for.]"this is yet another comparisons

Thursday, March 17, 2011




The essential point is that the prisoners in the cave are not seeing reality, but only a shadowy representation of it” says Plato.

  We are prisoners of our own beliefs. When someone try’s too tell you what they call the” truth” we think they are automatically crazy. We only know what we can see and read. If it is not sitting right in front of you, how can you try too convince some that what they currently believe in is wrong?

 What do you think?

 melvin clarida

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Melvin clarida

   The differences between my private self and my public self are similar yet different at the same time.

    While im at home at peace im more relaxed and comfortable. I love being in the house just jamming to music with nobody there too bother me. Music puts me at peace too where nobody can break it nor can they make me mad once im start listening. I also love too sit around on my free time and jus pick up the last book I was reading and continue too catch up on my reading.  There is nothing like a good book that will keep you interesting into getting too the next page.

  While in the public im a totally different person, I live by one code” show no love, love will get you killed.” In the public eye im not a quiet person but im not as talkative too those in the street as I would be who are close friends n family. i love too sit back and observe everything and everyone around me for long periods of time. Everyone has there own personality but every personality isn’t meant too be round. That is one main reason I don’t talk too a lot of new faces, it keeps the trouble away. Also I try too being fairly nice, and not disrespecting anyone, because I try too treating others as I would like too be treated.

  What are the differences between my public self and private self? My private self is more lovable and my public self is cockier some might say. Hey that’s life, I don’t engage in conversations I was not spoken into. And if I don’t know you and you’re a new face too me it might take me close too a month too say hello too you, just because I don’t get used too new faces too easy, but in the house where I am most comfortable at you can find me a my most generous point where if I never met you I will say hello cause im comfortable at.
   Do I believe the difference in my public and private self too is diplomatic? No I really don’t. I really think they compliment each other. I have never really had a problem with the two mixing, because I let my personality do all the work, there is no pretending too be what im not. I don’t put on a show just for people too notice me, if you don’t feel comfortable around me, “it cost you nothing too pay me no mind.” I am a person who believes if someone can’t take you for who you are than you don’t need too have him or her around nor do you need him or her in your life. 

   These are the differences between my private self and my public self. Also the traits that I carry when in public and in private.  Also I have given you my thoughts on do I think the two are problematic with each other. No I don’t think there is a problem between the two, they actually compliment each other.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

yo uhm did we have homework in this class tonight?