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Saturday, May 7, 2011


Melvin clarida
Blog 10

My time during this course so far has been a very interesting experience, I enjoy coming there and listen too a class who is into the work at hand. I also have learned a lot about movies and others forms of entertainment, writing our papers on just the little things we do in class has also played a big part. Writing in our blog on daily bases gives me that sense that someone is out there reading my work. I’ve always enjoyed writing but this is actually been the first time I’ve been able too write as much. The blogs are helping me with my writing techniques. Sometimes they can be a little boring writing. But we al have too have too have our work done. These blogs we have been doing are very beneficial to me. It’s helping me with my mechanics, I also enjoy sitting down reading other peoples point of views, everyone seems too give there own opinion on things, its always nice too see someone who has the same thought process as you.
Ive been learning a lot like how movies are broken down from a mythology stand point. That is something I didn’t have a clue was going on. Also reading reading Oedipus the king, which was my first time reading, was also a good material. It shows once again mythology and shows you that you can’t escape fait. It’s something that’s going to happen regardless. My weakness so far that ive pointed out is not checking for grammar and making sure I don’t have run on sentences. I tend too have a lot of those run on sentences in my papers. My strengths are that I write like I speak, I like my audience too sit back and not have too wonder what this mean, or that means. No, I want them too be relaxed and read along as I freely express myself.

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